Browse 526 feeds in the MyGet Gallery
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innerlibs Readonly
By: Gabriel Zonaro 22 packages (2 distinct) consuming 10.08 MB of storage - 0 total downloads
Uma biblioteca de classes e métodos para .NET. Opções flexiveis e fáceis de usar para simplificar e manter seu código limpo.
imagesharp-latency Readonly
By: Latency 6 packages (6 distinct) consuming 3.58 MB of storage - 10 total downloads
A cross-platform library for the processing of image files.
hearthstone Readonly
By: Latency 5 packages (5 distinct) consuming 13.16 MB of storage - 0 total downloads
HearthStone Deck Tracker
c2elib Readonly
By: taranais 4 packages (2 distinct) consuming 41.78 KB of storage - 0 total downloads
.Net Standard library for c2e engine ( Creatures 3 & Docking Station )
umbraco-nested-content Readonly
By: Lee Kelleher 49 packages (1 distinct) consuming 1.18 MB of storage - 15533 total downloads
Nested Content packages
umbraco-ditto Readonly
By: Lee Kelleher 311 packages (3 distinct) consuming 13.27 MB of storage - 2045 total downloads
Ditto for Umbraco
ucomponents Readonly
By: Lee Kelleher 36 packages (1 distinct) consuming 17.28 MB of storage - 9396 total downloads
uComponents NuGet feed
brandong777 Readonly
By: BrandonG777 2 packages (1 distinct) consuming 8.07 KB of storage - 16 total downloads
BrandonG777 packages.
vs-devcore Readonly
By: Andrew Arnott 154 packages (23 distinct) consuming 83.88 MB of storage - 15371 total downloads
Visual Studio DevCore CI
sharpdevelop Community
By: Matt Ward 12 packages (5 distinct) consuming 241.95 KB of storage - 20927 total downloads
SharpDevelop addins
blackjumbodog-core Readonly
By: Yasuaki Matsuda 3690 packages (45 distinct) consuming 133.69 MB of storage - 2 total downloads
BlackJumboDog .NET Core Packages
rbrock Readonly
By: Rodolpho Brock 5 packages (5 distinct) consuming 4.07 MB of storage - 537445 total downloads
Rodolpho Brock's NuGet feed.
sitecore-rocks-v2 Community
By: Jakob Christensen 3 packages (1 distinct) consuming 43.73 KB of storage - 751 total downloads
Sitecore Rocks v2
sitecorerocks Community
By: Jakob Christensen 17 packages (9 distinct) consuming 3.04 MB of storage - 15072 total downloads
Sitecore Rocks Plugins
sitecore-pathfinder Readonly
By: Jakob Christensen 3 packages (1 distinct) consuming 16.04 MB of storage - 0 total downloads
Sitecore Pathfinder builds
yoga Readonly
By: Rui Marinho 24 packages (1 distinct) consuming 31.86 MB of storage - 10 total downloads
Facebook Yoga package
demgel Readonly
By: Demgel 37 packages (5 distinct) consuming 868.52 KB of storage - 390 total downloads
DemgelOpenSource public Packages
dotnet Readonly
By: corert 180 packages (22 distinct) consuming 232.29 MB of storage - 1011320 total downloads
Packages for CoreRT -- ILCompiler, ILC SDK and MCG
webapicontrib Readonly
By: Chris Missal 130 packages (63 distinct) consuming 32.83 MB of storage - 2065 total downloads
Feeds for WebApiContrib
fsprojects Readonly
By: fsprojects 55 packages (1 distinct) consuming 1.09 MB of storage - 990 total downloads
Feed for packages from fsprojects
lanexchange Community
By: Kostya Mikhailyuk 5 packages (4 distinct) consuming 173.67 KB of storage - 4 total downloads
LanExchange Plugins
landis-ii Readonly
By: Jimm D 31 packages (9 distinct) consuming 1.24 MB of storage - 823 total downloads
Libraries for LANDIS-II forest simulation model
falcordotnet Readonly
By: Craig Smitham 134 packages (3 distinct) consuming 2.55 MB of storage - 0 total downloads
Pre-release builds for Falcor.NET libraries
aspnetrc1 Readonly
By: Daniel Roth 439 packages (432 distinct) consuming 294.48 MB of storage - 12809 total downloads
ASP.NET RC1 test feed
codecomb-beta8 Readonly
By: あまみや ゆうこ 34 packages (13 distinct) consuming 990.4 KB of storage - 427 total downloads
Code Comb Co., Ltd.