Gallery c2elib .Net Standard library for c2e engine ( Creatures 3 & Docking Station ) C2eLib .Net Standard library for c2e engine, Caos Injector for Windows (MemoryMappedFiles) and Unix (Sockets). Read more... x Connect to feed NuGet NuGet V3 feed URL (Visual Studio 2015+): NuGet V2 feed URL (Visual Studio 2012+): Legacy symbol server URL: Symbol snupkg server URL: Npm feed URL: Bower feed URL: Maven feed URL: Vsix feed URL: PHP Composer repository URL: Python repository URL: Ruby gem repository URL: It's kind of empty out here... Package Id Latest Version Uploaded rss c2eLib Authored by: Taranais .Net Standard library for c2e engine, Caos Injector for Windows (MemoryMappedFiles) and Unix (Sockets) 0.0.2 8 years ago ← Previous 1 Next → Connect to feed By: taranais Total download count: 0 Readonly